(Am I colorblind because I'm dreaming, or I'm dreaming because I'm colorblind?)
Love, once carved on bleeding stones,
never attained to beating.
And I, looking at the tidal waves;
tomorrow didn't bring any wonders
How did your sadness creep in to my dreams?
-dreams thief-
sift the vitality, and bereave
me of my strength
(Your colorful world left nothing to my almost-colorless life.
How could you?)
Once upon a time the nirvana of my dreams
walked into my life and I was
as alive as can be
(You promised tomorrow it'd end)
Tonight the fullness of the moon
leaves me stranded ashore,
and I don't believe in forever, yet
I don't believe in you..
Can you heal an unbroken heart?
Your image is getting old in my sleep,
It's as hideous as a relinquished book.
And I could only see you in black and white-
Release me, I'm jaded..
Would you color my dreams?
Written November 24.09 11:39 pm.
3 days ago