You can take away my pen and paper, I'll write on walls with my ink,
You can kill the shimmer of my stars and I'll borrow a thousand constellations from every poem I have written.
You may leave me seasonless, I'll pluck every rose I have for a different season.
You may choke me, my thoughts will breathe through my fingers and my heart will not stop pulsating.
I don't need your nights nor your seasons. I don't want to write with your ink nor breathe your thoughts.
You can never restrain me, I'm a thousand thoughts roaming.
I'm free.
Written while I was sober.
Don't ask
Archive for December 2010
You are a compass to every terrible thing I have done in all the directions of my mind.
"Silence should rhyme with Secrets"
Words wade through silence,
-like a monsoon-
leaving wrecks of inviable memories,
Breathing is suddenly a language,
unknown to wordlessness-
so loud it speaks out cowardice
Secrets, buried within
quicken the heartbeats
in an attempt to break free
But the look on the faces scream for nothing
Maybe a telltale? (A fool's reasoning)
only a thought could never perish; Doubt,
Written December 10, 10. 2:37 am.
*Yes, those are my own feelings.
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