Just wishing everyone a blessed Eid =)
Hope you all spend it stupendously. It's a chance to smile from the deep, seize it!
Archive for September 2009
I was tagged by Noor, thank you :-)
All I'm going to do is get the nearest book to me, and open page 161 and copy the fifth sentence. Here it goes:
"Baba couldn't show me the way anymore; I'd to find it on my own way. The thought of it terrified me.
From the novel "The Kite Runner"
I'm tagging anyone who will come across this post, in addition to:
The sun rose at your side
shriveling the note of my diaries
-to gray-
where your name dwelt in silence
just to fade away
by sunset..
With every tune of a song
you create its sad lyrics
'til the words fall to the ground,
the tune chokes in between..
And then I'm engaged to
the ocean of your blueness ..
**I'll be away for quite some time, so if I don't read your blog, I'm not ignoring..**
on Thoughts
You are a shelter to the heart
injecting my veins with obsession over you
my mind would never succumb
at times, my heart would break loose
you aspire to what you cannot reach
and learn a lesson impossible to teach
Your eyes can easily lie
each minute causing me new incisions
your words sound so true
alleviating the fire of my indecision
In the night I'd engulf my pitiful dream
In the morning you'd repeat the same scene
Love will not defeat pride
your fake smile will fade away
purge my heart of its sins
tonight truth will lead your words astray
And when the sun rises once more
I'll let go as if I've never loved before..Sorry, I'm not allowed to love you ..