Countless fights
Endless nights..
With the same combat
Black stars
moldy scars
This strangles that
a friend died
a foe survived
I stand and slump
Tears frozen
Words unspoken
For the fool and the dumb
The one remains
Is the dissenting lane
The friend of the foe
I quiver and strive
Wanting to survive
In the midst of this woe..Never mind me ..
4 days ago
Exquisite poetry again. But there will come a time when good wins over the evil :)
I believe in that too =)
when evil smiles
all creatures cry..
when evil wins..
freedom and happiness die..
yet the sun rises for a perfect new day..
it's a matter of choice to set the hope off..
or force it to stay :)
love ur words !
Jazzyy =) I'm honored to have you visiting my blog hun :)
It's all a matter of choices we make yup :) and this is only a thought..I'm not that pessimistic lol.
i love it
actually u know ya nemo since i arrived here and there's something like '' a world of favorites ''
your back ground, your words, don't know something so warm here:D
ur quotes are profissinal ;)
Awww hunnn =)
ILY <3