"When your ego meets my pride, Sun will perish on the other side" -Me
-I had this quote in my mind while I was trying to sleep yesterday..
It was meant to describe those whose ego is killing them, and those whose pride will never be defeated.Hence, the fight could go for years, and the discussion could never end. This thinks he knows everything, That thinks he cannot be defeated.
And so nature will be the victim.
"An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" -Ghandi
-What I understand from this quote, from my own point of view; I have a vision about war in this, to me it's like when two presidents fight to win, and each one of them is refusing to succumb or submit to the other one, this way their innocent people will be the victims, and of course the world would never really care about them ..
"There was a time when we could understand each other's silence, now we cannot even understand the spoken words" -My dear amazing inspiration "STILLNESS SPEAKS"
-This statement really saddens me, though it is beautiful to imagine how we understood each other's silence, now even the ones we love, we could never understand their silence, and of course nor their very spoken words..It's one of the reasons why the world is falling apart.
"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time." -Charles F. Kettering
- This one explains how we always dwell in the past and forget our future, one of the reasons why we think life is unfair, while it's us who make it fair or unfair.
"The great question is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with failure." -William Shakespeare
- It reminded me of this one "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".
I believe Shakespeare here meant that failure is only a bliss, But to continue on knowing that your past is like this, is bravery. And life will fool you once, but you will get used to this and defeat it the next time =)
"All my life I used to wonder what I would become when I grew up. Then, about seven years ago, I realized that I was never going to grow up... that growing is an ever ongoing process." -M. Scott Peck
-This is part of my other blog when I said "you will never comprehend life perfectly", and a friend actually inspired me when I discussed it with him yesterday and he told me "There would be no point of living if you understood life in the perfect way".
This is a circle of learning and teaching..we'll never have enough until we die.
Thank you deviantart :)
Beautiful quotes Neema. Completely agree with your views! And thank you so much for mentioning me in your space :) Am elated to know I could be of help!
Of course you are of a big help :)
it got me innnnnnnnn
an old man's stillness, could cause a ship to sink...
i'm totally into this ya nemo :(
you're on the wrong post but it's okay lol :D
Actually it was my fave part too. well chosen girly ;)