Ever had a favorite word? ever thought about the ability to resemble a word, ever thought what word would you be?
I guess I'd be the word "Hesitation". It's not my favorite word, it's the word that would resemble me the most.If you swam through my mind you'd be amazed; I think zillions of times before I say the thing, and yet I never say it right..if only there were a remote control for time, I'd use it each time I talk to someone I really love, and then deactivate it back when I have the right words to say..Well, what can you say, life's not perfect.
Oh speaking of which, I've always wondered about why people wish for perfection, perfection to me is an imperfection, a defect. It's always always annoying to deal with someone, that you find perfect, because you're always unable to achieve what they give/do..when in fact truth lies beneath words you cannot comprehend..honestly, only naive and simple-minded people wish for such a thing..
About mood swings: most of us are moody, I don't think it's a unique quality that would define your character..and NO I do NOT mean teenagers, on the contrary, adults can be waaaaay too moody comparing to us..adolescence is just a cover up to us.
Whine ups : I've been facing this for some time now; First of all, I don't hate talkative people as much as I hate whiners, they totally suck the enthusiasm to life out of me. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to people and I know I sometimes can be a bad listener and adviser, I just despise those who think they got it all messed up and life's such a crappy shit of an experience.Well, tell you what, you're missing so much of the good things in life.
I'll post some quotes for those people, but before that I would like to send a message to all of us-including me- about how we whine up about the transportation and the terrible traffic of Cairo.
here's the thing: you know that if a needle pricks you, you immediately earn "hasana"(deed)? how about when you get stuck in the traffic for "hours", get hit by someone, have an annoying chat with someone you cannot get rid of, have a bad day spent in traffic..they say Egyptian time is wasted in vain, I say it's wasted in hasanat (only if you treat the people who need help badly), can you count the amount of hasant that you gain during what you call "a horrible day"? :)
Hear and read those quotes then :
"Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks. It's just a matter of how you view them."
-- Author Unknown
"If you have grown, if you have contributed, if you have loved, if you have been loved -- then you have lived."
-- M. Burkill
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
-- Douglas Adams
I have this I-try-so-hard plan, it's about changing my theories and perspectives about life, it's like every bad thing, has a bad side and a good side, just because it's "bad" doesn't mean we should dwell in the thoughts of misery, and just because it's good doesn't mean that life is perfect, learn to disappoint yourself with some, and rejoice yourself with some :)
4 days ago
You really hate whiners don't you :D Well yes it could get overly annoying to have them around all the time, but there are times we play that part too :) What do you think?
When we've had a bad day, there are others who are having a far worse time than us. And for them the issues are much bigger and intense. So yes, you're right. Complaining for ever never helped anyone.
haha..I don't hate whiners that much..or I just meant those who complain about every single little thing in their life.
But I love listening to people so much and of course at so many times we become the same people we complained about once..right?
thanks hunnie :)