I drink that cup of coffee alone..thoughts keep lingering in me invading my mind with cruelty.
Shadows of the night consuming my skin, leaving me so old, yet I'm somehow young
I left that black hole in his heart, not knowing it would hurt me the same way
I ended up being distracted, even by the slightest things I think of
It wasn't love, it was never meant to be like this..
I guess I was taken down by emotions
Does it have to hurt this way?
Being dragged by this love,or by that body's embraces?
Since when do I miss that feeling?? the lonely hearts' caresses.
I can't seem to have enough of this, even if it was just a stupid big lie
Sometimes lies are the best things that could happen to us, with denying what they are
I miss you..I can't believe I'm saying it..I just wish none of this was ever true
Since the moment you told me you loved me..I was already falling in love with you
4 days ago
"Shadows of the night consuming my skin, leaving me so old, yet I'm somehow young"
بالظبط كده
كلمات حلوة جدااا
مش عارفة اقول ايه بس أنا عينيا دمعت وانا بأقرا الكلام :(
hehe..thanks ya gameela !!!
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