Fresh scents touch my skin
A feeling that takes me in
Putting my soul at ease
Yet a feeling that doesn't please
Confusion evokes a mind distress
There's gotta be something I miss
I keep rising and falling, in vain
Thinking this will stop the pain
I can't define what is missing here
Love is on my side, yet there's fear
I'm afraid a day might come true
The day I will have to stop thinking of you
4 days ago
"There's gotta be something I miss"
فعلا إحتمال وارد :(
"The day I will have to stop thinking of you"
ايه ده؟؟ انا كمان بأفكر بالطريقة اللى كلها تشاؤم دي
إن شاء الله مش هيجي اليوم ده
طبيعي يعني (زي أى عصير طبيعي بيحترم نفسه)الكلمات حلوة :)
hahahahah xD
Merci ya amar (K)