My presence is your sickness
As you walk out the door
You confound me
With your diabolic
And talks,
-I howl like a psycho-
I cry obtusely
I'm the misdeed
that lies at the end
of an alley
in a dirty puddle.
I'm the pang
In the soldier's wound
But not the scream
that demonstrates
2 weeks ago
I am not sure I understood this too well...but it indicates a lot of pain... There is nothing we don't get used to..Keep the faith. Faith for better things to come :-)
Sweetie..I was talking here about me and another person, I'm a sickness to this person, as he loathes me, disrespect me with his diabolic acts and talks, while I howl like a psycho for him to stop. And then I said that I'm a lot of bad things, like the misdeed..bla bla, then the pang in the soldier's wound, but not the scream of the pain of this soldier's wound that will demonstrate his basically this scream is the other person, and despite all the bad things that I am, cowardliness itself is an imperfection in the other person.
*And after all my point was: despite all the bad things that reside in you, you have to have faith for sick people are everywhere.
better now? =)
Definitely :-)
it feels lts of anger and pain ...and you want to be out and free ...
Where are you these days? No signs of life in cyberspace? All well?
Thank you Nasra =) and yes it feels like total anger hehe.
Stillness Speaks..I'm here hun, life caught me a little that's all :)
Thank you for your comment I swear you made my day !!
Are you sure u're not a sad poetess? cuz u sound so sad to me! I wanna recommend u a good, blog full of poems that I check 20 times a day to see if there's anything new. If you liked it, you owe me one!
Lol okay first off, most of my poems are sad yes, but that doesn't mean I'm a sad person :-) I'm just expressing, or like one of my poetry person said "it's easier to write about downfall than about glory".
Thank you SO much for the recommendation, you don't know for how long I've been looking for poets here.
and Sure, I will recommend a blog, she is not a poetess but her posts are more inspiring than an ordinary poet.
she is in my blog list "my beautiful inspirer"
I assure you you're not going to regret reading her long posts!
Thank you again~
Yeah I know you're not a sad person. Don't ask me how, though. I just feel like u're not. You're right, it's much easier 2 write sad thoughts. Happiness is to be lived, sadness to be written about.
Don't you write anything other than poetry?
I do write things other than poetry, this blog is everything but is poetic thoughts, but these posts are not pure poetry.
and if yo mean short stories or so, no I don't.
Poetry is my whole life, it's taking most of my time.
You write beautifully :)