My words drown in oceans
succumb to your cold emotions
winds blow carefree sensations.
I watch my words melt slow
from papers used long time ago
Then you are my lockup, not salvation
please tell the heart again
To not trust golden chains
nor little infatuations..
I'm left before the shore
to fight a gruesome word war
Refusing to lose my pride
You watch me from afar
Your eyes cause dreadful scars
throwing the bottle aside
my words fall to the sea
No longer I am free
as you watch my heart divides..
10:33 PM. 14th of April.09
This was a practice for a Double Balassi poem..for more info google the poetry form "Balassi"
4 days ago
Beautiful as always. It seems to come so very naturally to you! But I notice that the central theme of all poems remains the same...There's something there :)
You are right.
I don't give so much effort to my blog as the effort I give to my real poems..I will post my latest poem here today so you can see the difference.
Thank you sweetie :-)
فكرتينى بيوم جميل :)
elly howa eh?:D
عسل والله يا نيمو ....يوم كنت متجمعه فيه انا واصحابى كلهم ولعبنا بالازازه كرسى الاعتراف :D
وكان المفروض ان احنا هانرمى الازازه فى النيل كذكرى بس كان فيها ميه بقى:lol:
Sounds like fun :)
el ayam de bteb2a to7fa bgad.
Keep them a memory ;)