Wake me up!



I haven't got any poetic thoughts, since I've been kind of sick recently..I haven't been sleeping and I just wish to take some sleeping pills to get me back to life after I take the rest I need.
So instead of disappearing I will post the 8 things I wish I could do and another 8 things I did yesterday.

8 Things I wish I could Do~
1- Get my damned life back, though it is damned I still love it..ironic isn't it?
2- Publish my own poetry collection, and I would still call the book "Torn Pages Of a Poet"
3- Take care of my family more and show more affection.
4- Move on to the 4th course of studying, and Urghh it's going to be my last year in college!
5- Travel to see my old friends in the United Arab Emirates.
6- Read all poems by Shakespeare and learn to write Sonnets.
7- Be more optimistic, though I'm not that pessimistic, I still need to learn that life is good.
8- Stop whining up, for I sometimes whine just too much.

8 Things I did yesterday~
1- Talked to a good friend on the phone
2- Commented on some of my favorite authors' poems on Poems&Quotes.
3- Slept more than the previous day, which made me a little bit happy though I had a horrible headache all day long.
4- Published my double Balassi poem "Torn Pages Of a Poet" on P&Q (No I didn't post it here, but if you want to read it you'll find it on my P&Q account, link is on the upper right sites of my blog)
5- Had a good chat with my sisters :)
6- Studied a little bit of the Spanish novel I have, which made me laugh because it's a good satiric novel!
7- Prayed, the thing that gives me the internal relief.
8- Made a friend smile :)

Thank you Stillness Speaks for the tag =)
Please anyone feel free to do this on your blog, there are also the 8 things I'm looking forward to, and the 8 things I watch on t.v. But I'm not much of a talker lately so I didn't post them all.


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