Poetry has been the sun that kept rising within me; in the morning it becomes so fresh and addictive, yet in the night-under the moonlight-it becomes the light to my dark days..
Occasionally, winds cover up all my skies and the world of poetry lets its winds pour me with a rain of trite words-it breaks me like a fragile glass..this is when writers block takes place.
Once upon a time I was so addicted, today I'm standing like a crying coward unable to express what I feel (or don't feel) with poetry.
Metaphors have lost their originality, rhyme has lost its sense of music and the beautiful rhythm it created in the poems. And similes, oh I miss looking for creativity and impressive imagery..
The last poem I wrote, which was Perpetuation, failed me (Maybe I'm exaggerating) and I still can't call it a poem..here if you wish to judge Perpetuation.
I'm not sure whether I can be the poetry addict of before..this just keeps getting worse..
4 days ago
I think you are getting overly critical with yourself. You are doing just fine. And if at all you feel you've been unable to live up to your standards, then you're just striving towards perfection. Nothing unusual about it. Keeping going and don't be so hard on yourself. There are people who can't even manage 1/10 of what you do! Me being one of them!!
I like the poem really, and if you want my opinion I think we all go through something like that, it's just a phase, try to simply live and enjoy the moment, and indulge in other things, and who knows? inspiration shalt strike thee! ;)
Stillness Speaks: I've been through this a lot with poetry, but this time it seems so dark, I don't know why.
Anyway I'll manage to make it insha'allah (= my friends and my blog readers are my inspiration really, and I promise I'll do the best to get back to writing, insha'allah.
Thank you sweetie (: you keep me holding on!
Noor: hehe that was totally poetic.
You actually made me think of writing a poem in old English..who knows you might be my inspiration.
Thanks sweetie (=
By the way, I commented on all the posts you gave me..stunning choices Noor, really loved them :)
hahaha I know there's a little poetess inside of me that's waiting to come out, :P lol!
but hey why not? do post it if u write tho, I'd like to see the outcome of me being an inspiration!! ;)
really, it's like u so encourage me to post the quotes i like once i read them!!!
i'll defo keep u in my mind when i have a nice quote!!
I promise I'll do if I ever got the chance to write it insha'allah (:
I would actually encourage you to write poetry, you should try it sometime !
and hey! I did love them, and I definitely encourage you to post any quote each time you finish a book..it's fun, you books freak :P haha.
Keep writing sweetie. Never quit doing what you are so brilliant at! With this kinda attitude, you are just set to better your best :) Am always around whenever you need me :) Take care and God bless :D
Keep writing sweetie. Never quit doing what you are so brilliant at! With this kinda attitude, you are just set to better your best :) Am always around whenever you need me :) Take care and God bless :D
I soo can relate girl, coz I've been there, and maybe am going through again, it sucks, but inshallah you'll get through it.. :)
here's what I wrote when I've been going through it:
(I hope you don't mind, it's gonna be long but maybe it'll cheer you up and maybe get you inspired again)
read this page from the posts that are down then go up:
and here's my inspiration story:
and glad you liked my poems, thanks for the comments :)
Stillness: I know hun (: and you honestly are one of the persons that make me feel I can be a real poetess.
Huda: Yeah I'm sure you know how I feel hehe..Thanks for the support girly (:
and I will check the links in a few mins..I really appreciate it thanks hunn !
thank you, but i've given it a try once like a few years back, and it just wasn't my thing, in fact what i wrote was just some silliness that's sooo funny! good thing i lost the paper i wrote it in, my sister writes poetry (actually she's Huda who's been commenting on ur blog here, my twin sis, so I leave poetry to her, so does it more justice than I would ever dream of doing!)
Oh really??? haha I didn't know.
This is too cute (: I have a twin too, but he's a guy.
Yay now we have astrong thing in common :D
ohhh cooool! yeah we do have something in common then, thats very cool tho, how is it 4 u guys? haha, wait thats such an obscure question... im sure its pretty awesome, its like that for us (altho we dont admit it) but we're totally there 4 each other, :D
rock on!