Repetitive tones play in my mind, I cannot ignore their seducing melodies, though so sad and heartbreaking, I keep listening hoping something might set me at ease.
scratched pianos with a distorted music and sound, fingers playing softly, afraid they might smash.
Tears flooding as if it's the end of a colored blue sky, bloodstained wrists with painful goodbyes
Tones played in the wrong way, yet touching you deep down inside, windows broken with a dreadful tornado outside.
Thrones are nothing but a worldly expression, in fact we all are the same, it's just hard to realize you're no different..and there's no one to blame.
Get me out of this vicious world, if only there is a way..let the sun burn my skin with the flames, let me die today.
Intricacy of this world I can no more sustain, there's nothing to live for, I should be happy but I'm only tasting pain.
Let those tones keep on playing and repeat eternally, for I know there's nothing like a piano played for hearts with no remedy..
I'm not in a good mood..don't ask me to write something good !!
4 days ago
// Get me out of this vicious world, if only there is a way..let the sun burn my skin with the flames, let me die today.
صعبه قوى الجمله ديه :(
بس صدقينى مافيش حاجه تستاهل كل الحزن ده ...انا معاكى ان لو حصل اى حاجه بغض النظر هى ايه زعلتك صعب ان كلامى ينسيكى الحاجه ديه بس صدقينى الدنيا ما تستاهل انك تزعلى نفسك كدا ...
انتى بس صلى ركعتين واستغفرى ربنا وان شاء الله ايا كان السبب لكلامك اللى بجد صعب .. هاتنسى وهاتبقى تمام ان شاء الله:)
وانا هادعيلك تروقى :)
بس بلاش الكلام الصعب ده الله يخليكى :)
اتمنى انك تتقبلى مرورى :)
بس بجد انتى رائعه فى تصوير الكلام والتشبيهات :)
// I'm not in a good mood..don't ask me to write something good !!
بس كدا :)
المره الجايه عايزه ادخل اضحك من البوست بتاعك :)
اضحكى بقى :D
سلااام :)
"Get me out of this vicious world, if only there is a way..let the sun burn my skin with the flames, let me die today."
جملة صعبة قوي فعلاااا :)
والوصف بتاعك للجو حلو جداااااااا
وخصوصا إحساس العاصفة اللى موجودة بره خلاني أقشعر :)
بوست جميل جداا كالعادة يعني
gooooooooooo on
Thaanks ya banateet
Dina wallahi da7akteeni fe3lan :D :D
w b3dain bra7ti akteb postati zai mana 3yza :P hehe
rabena y5allieko I'm smiling already wallahi =]
ماشى يا ستى ...اكتبى اللى انتى عايزاه بس كدا :D
بالك انا مش هاقرأه :)
هاقرأه :P ههههههه
على فكره انا لحد دلوقتى مش عارفه اناديلك بايه ... :D
بس اهم حاجه بجد ان انتى ضحكتى :D
سلااام :)
bossi ana esmi Ne3ma
call me nemz, nemo, nee..elly enti 3yzah ;)