Inspiration is growing dead,tears I shed of secrets untold, happiness has become just another reason to die, simply because it slowly breaks the soul.
I bleed feelings that I couldn't hold, bursting and falling to my knee, nothing grows beautiful, everything wilts with this cold, god I just want to flee.
My skin is growing old, how come I'm still nineteen, albeit I feel everything is drifting away, and everyday has the same old scene.
Those who deserve to live, they repulsively meet death, it's such a painful goodbye, watching them catch their final breath.
Roses keep fading away, trees grow to blossom yellow, seasons fatally die, just another cause of sorrow.
War has become our known way of peace, watching victims bleed is our lust, I'm holding the pen unable to write, this world is creating my feeling of disgust.
we've killed every part of the society, women, children are leaving a black remark, even poets are killed by us, today I witnessed the death of a poet's heart.
Inspired from my poem "Death Of a Poet's Heart"..for further details visit my P&Q account -->
2 weeks ago
Great title , i loved the idea as well ..."I bleed feelings that I couldn't hold" thank you for coming up with this :)
"Those who deserve to live, they repulsively meet death, it's such a painful goodbye, watching them catch their final breath"
may their remaining days in this life be as painless as possible ,the ones in between peacful and in the after one their reward inshallah & may god bless the souls of our victims in Ghaza
أولا موضوع مؤثر جدااا
"Those who deserve to live, they repulsively meet death"
فكرتني بكلمة كنت سمعتها قبل كده
ابن موت
مكنتش فاهمة يعني ايه
بس فهمت بعد كده أن ابن موت معناها أن الشخص ده كان أفضل ما يكون
لدرجة أنه مات وفى المعظم بيموت صغير(نوعا ما زي ما تكون صحوة لناس تانية أنه يموت)
مش عارفة اوصل مفهومي للكلمة بالظبط
بس زى ما ساعات بنقول أن فيه أحلام بتبقي أفضل ما أنها تحقق أصلااا
يمكن كل الشهداء دول يخلوا المسلمين يفوقوا بقي من الغيبوبة
بس حلم فلسطين ما ينفعش مش يتحقق
ده أكيد هيتحقق
وعامة يعني أكيد لسه فيه خير حوالينا
بس الحاجات الوحشة دائما هى اللى بتباان للأسف
وبجد إحساسك رائع
May Allah be with all victims of Gaza =)
MY FATE : Thanks for mentioning those words..ana fehemt enti 3yza t2ouli eh :) w fe3lan kalamek sa7..ana marra seme3t Moez Masoud bey2ool enno e7na lazem yeb2a feena 3oyob, w law maba2ash feena lazem rabena hay5allasna ml 7ayah w yegeeb nas tania feeha 3oyob 3shan el ensan ma5loo2 be3oyobo.
w rabena yekoon fe 3oun elgamee3 yarab !
lol,so nice