What are new years?? New year's eve..what's this??
we've come to this part when we're hopeless, not knowing what exhilarates us or what saddens us..it's such a shame..such a desperate action.
12:00 AM we hang out with our friends, french-kissing our boyfriends..and oh wow we expect a HAPPY year..how so?? of course it would be a year full of fractions.
Why do we only celebrate ONE new year..and we never celebrate the hijrian new year?? is this some sort of a new-fashioned disease??
If so, I admit it's so well-disguised and everyone it pleased.
I don't believe in new years..they're such ridiculous beginnings, you're fooling yourself, please wake up
I believe that we're free to start all over whenever we want, start from today and don't rely on new years..because simply they suck.
Yeah Please stop this ridiculousness .. !!
4 days ago
أنا كمان مش عارفة ليه الناس بتحتفل ببداية أى حاجة
أنا مش بأحب البدايااات خاالص
بأحس ان كلمة بداية مرتبطة بكلمة إنتظار
وانا بأكره أستني جدااا
بس عامة كله بيقلب خير فى الاخر
:) وعامة موضوع حلو
والمدونة لذيذة
oh yeah ... new years suck!!
i guess ppl just like to symbolize things like this is a symbol to a new begining but sure we can all start on any given day of the year
.. for me every day is a new begining coz every day i try to change but up till now i start the next one in the same state .
shame how big the part of our true identity that we lost :(
lol,so nice